When I acquired the LG M2250D display I noticed that when connecting it to my computer via HDMI, under Windows, the colors would be extremely saturated. This issue was not reproduceable in other operating systems and also not via VGA (under Windows too).

Saturated color of Windows' window
Expected color of Windows' window

My display (when via HDMI) is detected and assumed by the Intel graphics driver as a "Digital Television" instead of a "Monitor". I think that is because it is a hybrid monitor and TV. The consequence of this is that the driver will adjust the color scheme to match a TV watching scenario (and won't let us change it in a straightforward way!).

What I did to fix (workaround) this was open up "Intel(R) Graphics and Media Control Panel" (one way can be by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F12) and change a few settings. Here's how you can do it:

Select "Advanced Mode" in the dropdown that, by default, is set to "Basic Mode". Then select "Custom Resolutions" inside "Display".

Changing to Advanced Mode
Fill the "Add Custom Resolution" fields with the intended screen resolution and under "Timing Standard" select "CVT-RB" (this is where the secret lies).

Changing Timing Standard for specific resolution
If your screen doesn't flicker automatically, you may need to restart your computer. You need to add a custom resolution configuration for every different resolution you may need. The "Timing Standard" can be different from "CVT-RB", but that one I can assure works.

How it should look after everything